Hi All
I want to extend the ability of SAP Work Manager.
In workaround process add action to read RFID (via NFC) of an equipment.
I tested work with NFC using next artice:SMP 3.0: Custom Agentry Android client supporting native NFC (RFID) scanning capabilities.
It works.
Now I want to add NFC reading in the "Production Resource or Tools" page in the SAP Work Manager like this:
The RFID label will be placed on the Equipment.
Before enter Measuring point reading it must be checked the user is located on the correct equipment.
User press on the take reading button.
The program
- read RFID code from label
- comapre read code with code in the Characteristic of the Equipment.
- If the values are the same it open "Take reading" window else it Show error.
I exlpored Opjects in SAP Work Manager test enviroment and found the Work Manager read requaried Characteristic from SAP ERP.
Could somebody suggest how it is better to do it.
How to find button "Take reading" in the SAP Work Manager Eclpise project,
What part of the algorithm needs to be implemented in SAP Work Manager project and What in SAP Open UI Agentry Client project?
Now in AgentryAndroidClientSolution I have code to read RFID via NFC.