Hi FI Friends,
We are using XML format for payments. We are using CGI_XML_CT format provided in the PMW. The XML file is getting generated but the node EndToEndID under Node CdtTrfTxInf -> PmtId is not getting populated.
We are using the SAP provided Note To Payee 'SAP SEPA' in OBPM3 and have assigned a Note To Payee to the pay method in FBZP. We debugged event module FI_PAYMEDIUM_DMEE_30 and saw that the t_payment_details-text field had values of the XBLNR and the Pay Run Date.
However they fill element nodes RmtInf -> NB and RltdDt.
Can you advise how do we get this element EndToEndID populated please?
Thank you for any help