Hi All,
I'm trying to trigger the Select event on an IconTabBar. I have tried a few options but nothing seems to trigger the associated event,
I have tried things like:
1. sap.ui.test.qunit.triggerKeydown(tab2, jQuery.sap.KeyCodes.SPACE);
2. control.setSelectedKey("selfInfo");
or even trying to put it all together,
iPressOnUpdate: function() {
return this.waitFor({
id: "idIconTabBar",
viewName: "Detail",
success: function(control) {
var tab2 = control.getItems()[1].$();
sap.ui.test.qunit.triggerKeydown(tab2, jQuery.sap.KeyCodes.SPACE);
errorMessage: "Update not found in IconTabBar"
But in the end the best I can do is select the tab but the associated event is not fired. How can this be done?
I tried this from stackoverflow but it did not work,
return this.waitFor({
id: "mySecondTab-icon",
viewName: sViewName,
success: function (control) {
errorMessage: "Second IconTabFilter not found in IconTabBar"